someone once said concerning finding joy in life, “by all right means possible,
looking for joy in almost every event in life, should be part of one’s daily
goal.” In agreement with that statement; joy being something which is
presumably short term, but with the constant presence of joy in one’s mind and
soul, the probability of achieving what many people call it a UNIVERSAL GOAL,
happiness, is very high.
Carrying on with ‘tradition’, the
yearly picnic was far much from being just great. With the accompaniment of
many events within the Event itself, made it colorful. As community life
stands to be one of the major pillars of formation, the picnic was one of the
many outstanding outings which bring us closer to one another. Being a weekend
and an official community picnic day, which had been planned for and waited-for
by many if not all, all the preparations and requirements were made on time.
Arriving in such an amazing location
with a great view of Lake Victoria, the chilly breeze cooled down every bit of
the whole semester tension. With united spirit we laid down all the possible
things to be effectively used alongside the helpless animals that were to make
a fantastic meal for the members present. After the ‘pouring of libation part,’
the ‘work of fire’ began as we effectively did the required part as we were to
be on time at the same time.
Just to make things clear; we did not
head there just for the purpose of appreciating our stomachs but also to
strengthen the bond we share as brothers. Doctrina Beach, the venue, was superb
and a perfect venue for the activity at that particular time. With everyone
taking part in the work to be done, we successfully performed what we all
desired. Above all, the important pillar, community life was carefully
actualized with all the activities present like: cooking, sharing the meal
together, and taking part in different games and many more.