Brother Tobie Kizza

Evaristo, Collins and Yago at Tobie Kizza burial's site (Ibanda Parish)                            

As a saying goes that ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ, it indeed spoke to me. It was after I had taken a step to read about Bro. Tobie Kizza, who also happened to be the first Muganda brother of the society of the Missionaries of Africa not only that but also the Patron of Tobie Kizza Team here in our community Lavigerie.

Being born from the pagan background in 1872 in Burigi, this did not hinder him from achieving and discerning his call to discipleship. The man, who ate, worked, loved and lived with the famous martyrs (our fathers in faith) in the year 1886. Inspired by their lives, and their willingness to die for Christ, this gave Tobie more zeal and increased his commitment to Christ (rooted in Christ, we venture with hope). Despite the hard ships under the rule of the king, Tobie did not give up a thing the proved his high spirit of perseverance which we are all called to live.

A number of virtues he lived among which was humility, simple life style, obedience, a listening attitude, availability to help, and his 50 appointments showed how hardworking he was. It is not all a hear say, but those who witnessed have this to say. ‘He was a very popular Muganda with a soft and heartening voice, ready laughter and charming welcome. He was liked by all and that he was at all times spiritual and a fine man of God.’ 

Tobie’s life is a source of great inspiration and a learning moment for whoever reads about his life story; his different characters have changed many peoples’ lives. If it has transformed my life, WHY NOT YOURS TOO? A man of zeal so let us emulates him.   
                                      Compiled by Evaristo Rukundo

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