Thursday 2 April 2015

Transgression of the Self

I am precious,
Called Simplicious,
Not malicious,
Neither obnoxious,
Nor anxious.
Longing to be Ignatius,
I ought to be anxious,
Not in a way of fictious,
Only in conscious,
In the absence of vicious.
As abomination,
Vicious leads to vexation,
But for moderation,
Enhance for collaboration,
In the name of mobilization,
In this world of globalization,
Needs people of specialization,
With the mind of calculation.
A wonderful complexion,
To reach completion,
Requires sensation.
For the sake of conversion,
To reach transgression,
Not for inversion,
Requires conversation,
With no forceful motion.
We need to be thankful for creation,
That is within our nation,
Done in a different session.
In the morning of adoration,
We preserve in meditation,
For his honor in veneration,
We acclaim in appreciation,
In the evening of confession,
After his resurrection,
In form of jubilation,
We are called for intervention,
To act in slow motion.

Simplicious Wesonga Mugeni