
Showing posts from August, 2018


How do I take myself? What image do I have of myself? Which theme sounds better in me? Do I take myself as a precious being? Do I believe in ‘Yes I Can’ or I always see myself in terms of limitations and as the unfortunate one? As a social and spiritual being, I share a link with my Creator. Nevertheless, how many times do I recognize that? I am a being who is unique compared to other creatures. Am I convinced that I am created in the image and likeness of God? This calls for realization i.e. self-awareness. Before I put into practice the social nature in me, it is very important to know myself first. In addition to knowing oneself, the sense of feeling worthy is also necessary as one gets to accept who and how he/she is. Truthfully, there are moments of doubt whereby one is in dilemma of who he/she is. However, these recurrent doubtful moments should not be the limitation of one’s urge to be him/herself. One preacher once said that, there are two important days in life and it
Community Member enjoying the music with a dance. Embracing our founders’ words, “the evangelisation of Africa must be accomplished by the Africans themselves, once they have become Christian and apostles”, it has always been a good initiative to welcome more people called to His vineyard. Every year, candidates join different stages in formation as time takes part mostly in the regulating progress. Welcoming the new community members is always joyful as it assures the continuity of the presence of labourers for tomorrow to take care of His vineyard. Happily, we welcomed our thirteen new community members with open heart and fundamental convivial attitude. With spicy barbecued varieties of meat alongside other types of foods, the evening was enthusiastic to exceed every ones’ expectations. The MCs of the day guided the event perfectly as the DJs spiced it with great music. Guided by the necessary guidelines, the welcoming and introduction of all members for further rec


It is always a perfect start to be aware of what one wants in the near future and the many more days to come. Being together as a fraternity and all focused on having a better tomorrow and also being optimistic about it, we had to lay out strategies which will guide us through the whole of the academic life 2018-2019. The community project is an essential feature which really defines the essence of our intentions throughout the year. Under the guidance of Fr. Didasio, one of the formators, the realization of what we really want to implement this year might just be reality and not just an illusion anymore. Using a well-defined scheme to chaperon us through, we all satisfied the intended outcome of the fruitful three days exercise. Focusing of the pillars of formation: Community life, Spiritual life, Academic life, Apostolic life and Material life; strategic planning on the way of living in this year, we believe will be well-guided. As life is enthusiased by proper path to be follow


As someone once said concerning finding joy in life, “by all right means possible, looking for joy in almost every event in life, should be part of one’s daily goal.” In agreement with that statement; joy being something which is presumably short term, but with the constant presence of joy in one’s mind and soul, the probability of achieving what many people call it a UNIVERSAL GOAL, happiness, is very high. Carrying on with ‘tradition’, the yearly picnic was far much from being just great. With the accompaniment of many events within the Event itself, made it colorful. As community life stands to be one of the major pillars of formation, the picnic was one of the many outstanding outings which bring us closer to one another. Being a weekend and an official community picnic day, which had been planned for and waited-for by many if not all, all the preparations and requirements were made on time. Arriving in such an amazing location with a great view of Lake Victoria, the c