Image result for mercy of godHave you ever sat down and think of the Mercy of God? It is the very question to ask oneself every now and then.

In the monthly recollections as the Lavigerie family, we were blessed to be with Sr. Mourine, facilitator, who prompted us to reflect on the involvement of God in our lives. He always intervenes in order to bring us back on track whenever we go astray. This is the mercy of God.

Being the Supreme perfect being, the Substance, He is caring and always wants His attributes, we the human beings, to be close to Him. However much we sin, He does not delight on being angry as the Prophet Micah 7:18 puts it, "but rather shows mercy." He neither counts the number of times we go against Him nor the number of times He manifest His mercy to us.
Image result for mercy of god 

This is a challenge to the whole humanity, to be merciful in all aspects as He is to us. The act of being merciful and that of forgiveness are inseparable. As the Lord's Prayer ascribe, "and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us," we are invited to do to others as we ask God to do to us. One should forgive others as God forgives him/her and at the same time be merciful to others as God is always merciful to him/her. Matthew challenges us in Mt 5:7, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."
Fr. Didasio, Sr. Mourine and the students.

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