Saturday 12 August 2017


In line with the tradition of the Lavigerie House in Jinja, after resuming from home after the long holiday, we plan for the year. For the Academic year 2017-2018, after three days serious and constructive discussions, we managed to come up with the plan famously known as Community Project.

Students listening attentively to the facilitator.
From the 10th August to 12th August, 2017, with the facilitation from Br. Venancio, the Lavigerie Family in Jinja evaluated and discussed about the previous Academic year 2016-2017. With the critical evaluation of the success and downs we encountered, we came up with the new years’ resolutions to guide us through. Having an attendance of 34 members of the community, the production of the Community Project broadened the minds with different involvements introduced. We can really testify we own the Community Project fully and with passion.

Students discussing.
Applying critical thinking, manual activities here and there, with the active participation of the members present the Production reached the climax on Saturday. As among the part of the whole activity, we came up with the timetable for the house in this academic year.

Above all we had the amendment of the Mission Statement for this year “Bound by the unconditional Love of Christ, we, Lavigerie fraternity 2017 – 2018, commit ourselves to be Apostolically zealous, Academically sound and Humanly actualized.”

And later the Theme for the Academic year 2017-2018 – “A Christ-loving, fraternal, committed, outreaching, hospitable and humanly actualized family.”