Sunday 14 May 2017


Jean-Marie Bamutaze
It has been a journey, travelled though aluta continua! It is worthy commemorating my first contact with the Missionaries of Africa; it started at an informal level, we, while at Jinja College, knew Lavigerie House for plenty of sweet oranges that we used to pick every Friday, surely no one dared to stop us though we were strangers. This was the very first contact which came through a friend who used to fetch these oranges earlier before I joined the group. It was after a couple of times that I got some friends in the house who told me about the community, the society and the like. Nonetheless I had visited other congregations before but I had not applied in any yet. Knowing about the White Fathers, I applied, great thanks to Mutekanga Ivan Major who guided my first motivation and inspiration to this level.

I attended the “come and see” sessions, they were inspiring and later made it to Jinja. I could hardly imagine that the oranges led me to a place so nice to be, Lavigerie House! What I initially used to take illegally, I was put in charge! I scarcely believe that I lost the appetite for oranges and increased that of the House. It is now a voyage of three years that I have made with the Missionaries of Africa.

The three years have been a time so fundamental in my life, I have come to tell that a formation house is a place of not only spotting one’s weaknesses but also where one is helped to grow out of this faintness and to be himself, thus, bringing out the adult in someone as Fr Paddy said it. I feel changed; I have grown spiritually, intellectually, physically and socially. The aspects emphasized as we develop and grow in the four formation pillars (academics, spirituality, pastoral and community life) have been profound to me, these include; Freedom, Maturity, Responsibility Always! This means in everything I do, I take into account these aspects; not one at a time, all go synchronously. I feel these aspects in my life. I now feel formation has conventionalized a kind of an inexplicable freedom that sets me always to act but soberly henceforth able to always reflect on my needs before actualizing them.

Community life has been a very instrumental element; the solidarity with my classmates, teammates, and community members at large have prompted my acknowledgement of Lavigerie House as a home, and that we have lived in a family. The formators have been; formators, friends, brothers as well as parents to me, God Bless them and the community at large!

Honestly, I have gone through both joys and sorrows, but I know all have been for a reason, what I remember always is “The Beauty of Pain”. All these instants have helped me grow into whom I am today. I have learned to live like a tree; even when people stone at the tree, no matter the injuries, it will drop down fruits for the perpetrators to enjoy. This is what I learnt to be in my years; no matter the hardships I encounter in life; the natural law remains core in me; do good, avoid evil! A good act for a bad one is one way I can help others learn from me. Then I can say these have been years or a journey of self-actualization: in my potentials, strengths, limitations and other life skills.

With these I feel prepared to face and happily live any kind of life God has set ahead of me, discernment continues, I keep praying that: He opens my eyes to see him more clearly, illumine my mind to know him more deeply and grace my heart to love him more dearly. Lavigeire said a missionary should be a person of prayer, but I say this is for all humanity if we are to answer the ultimate call to humanity.

At this moment I feel after the three year, I have been on “the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)”. I have been journeying and I have gone a step. There are times within this period when I only had a blur of the Easter Jesus in my life, when I really needed him to reveal himself to me but seemed far and perhaps sometimes he seemed not anywhere for me. Indubitably, I now trust these are the times he has been closer to me than ever! Just as the disciples recognized him at the breaking of the bread, I also needed the daily Eucharist, spiritual direction, meditations among others relevant moments for me realize him. Now I know, he is always with me, he never abandons his people, he said, “I am with you until the end of time!”

I can barely fully summarize what these years have been to me in just a few pages and feel satisfied, but all in all am happy and proud of every moment I have had, the people I have encountered within and outside community, my pastoral placements, the celebrations and sorrows we have shared in the three years, have strengthened me in various ways. I just do not wish to miss the community of Lavigerie House; formators, students and supporting staff, for I will always cherish and carry them in my heart, so they will always be close to me.

Lord, Aluta Continua, endure in inspiring me, may your will reveal itself and be fulfilled in me, for the battle belongs to you, I am only a clay, and you are the potter, mold me to your own will so that I become the instrument your own love, peace, hope and faith in you!

Jean-Marie Bamutaze