On the evening of 8th April 2017, in
the Lavigerie house-Jinja, we had the opportunity to join the universal Church
to accompany our Lord Jesus Christ as He was entering Jerusalem. At 6 pm,
joined by other communities; Evangelizing Sisters and Holy Cross sisters, we assembled
at the basketball court. Fr. Oswald, the main celebrant of the day, along
Kiwanuka team members led us through the Liturgy.
While in the court, we listen to the Word
of God from Mt 21: 1-11. Jesus asked two of his disciples to go to the
village and get him an ass. Using an ass to enter Jerusalem, Jesus, being a
King, humbled himself as St. Paul says in Phil 2:6-8, Jesus, though he
was in a form of God he still humbled himself, firstly, by taking
a form of slave. This invited us to be humble. To be covered by humility
in all we do in life regardless of whom we are or the position we are.
Carrying our palms, we processed to the
Chapel for the Eucharistic Celebration. The 1st reading, Psalm, the 2nd reading and the gospel were from Is 50:4-7, Ps 22:8-9.17-18.19-20.23-24,
Phil 2:6-11, and Mt 26:14-27:66 respectively. We are called upon to be calm
and forgiving and loving as Jesus was. Though he knew who will
betray him, he showed Judas Iscariot love till the end to an extent of even
sharing the meal with him.
In conclusion, the celebrant urged the
entire congregation gathered together for the Palm Sunday, to make Jesus as the
centre of our life. “As we are heading towards the peak of our lantern season,
let us be the vessels for Christ’s love to the whole humanity and to the whole
of God’s creation now and after lent. Let us continue to practice the three
pillars of lent; pray, fast and giving alms,” he said.