Our New General Council

Stanley Lubungo 2016 Rome_JPEGStanley Lubungo was born at Ndola (Zambia) on the 16thJune 1967. He took his missionary oath in Toulouse on the 7th December 1996 and was ordained a priest in his native town on the 2nd August 1997. He worked as a missionary for a few years in Democratic Republic of Congo and was appointed, after a few years of studies in Rome and Dublin, as formator in Abidjan. He had just completed new studies in dogmatic theology in Paris when he was appointed Provincial of Southern Africa on the 1st July 2015. One of his first tasks will be to ensure his replacement in Lusaka. Congratulations Stan!
Didier Sawadogo 2016_JPEGCongratulations Didier Sawadogo. Thank you for having accepted this service to the Society. May God be with you. Didier was born on 26th July 1967 à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). He took the oath on the 11th December 1999 in London and was ordained priest on the 3rd December 2000 in Bobo-Dioulasso. He worked in Mali and Burkina Faso, but spent also quite some time in Rome studying. He is currently studying in Rome for a doctorate.
Francis Barnes 2016B_JPEGFrancis Barnes was born on the 26th September 1950 at Stockport (UK). He took his missionary oath in Totteridge (UK) on the 16th April 1981 and was ordained priest on the 20thJune 1981 at Salford. He did parish ministry in Burkina Faso, vocational animation in Poland, then was mainly involved with animation and formation in Burkina, Rome, Zambia and Kenya. He is currently assistant to the Provincial Superior of Europe.
Martin Grenier 2016_JPEGMartin Grenier was born on the 21st March 1963 at Beauceville in Quebec. He took the missionary oath at Wood Green (London) on the 18th December 1993 and was ordained a priest on the 23rd September 1995 at St Joseph-de-Beauce in Quebec. After three years of ministry in Zambia, he was appointed as formator in Bangalore, India. After a sabbatical year, he went back to India, then to Jinja (Uganda), always as a formator. After some studies at IFIC in Mali, Martin worked at the AFRIKA Centre in Montreal where he was before the Chapter where he came as delegate of the Province of the Americas (AMS). Congratulations Martin.
Ignatius Anipu 2016 cJPEGIgnatius Anipu was born on the 7th November 1959 in Wiagha (Ghana). He took his oath on the 15th December 1990 in Toulouse and was ordained priest on the 20th July 1991 in Kongo (Ghana). His first term as Missionary of Africa was in Niger before being called for studies at the Pisai (Rome). He then returned to Niger, spent a few years for further studies and as formator in Paris, London and Abidjan. He came to the chapter as Provincial of the PAO. Congratulations Ignatius.

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