Eucharistic Ministers

Clockwise: Some of the M.Afr. seminarians, the procession, seminarians, and the dancers from Holy Cross Lake View Secondary School.
The commissioning of the Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist is an annual event for the Diocese of Jinja. It is aimed at enabling the faithful of the Diocese of Jinja draw near to Jesus through receiving the Eucharist. Those commissioned are seminarians from the various congregations in Jinja. These congregations are in charge of some of the out-stations under the Diocese of Jinja. It is also taken as a day for all Catholic students from various secondary school in Jinja. They usually come together under the Young Christians Students (YCS) Association to celebrate this day with the Bishop. This year's commissioning was presided over by Bishop Charles Martin Wamika, the Ordinary of Jinja Diocese. He commissioned about 80 seminarians from the different congregations. He urged the Extra-Ordinary ministers to follow the example of Jesus Christ. He also encouraged them to take Jesus to the faithful of Jinja with high reverence and asked the Christians to welcome the ministers too. The afternoon was later graced with presentations from the present schools and lots of dancing and interactions. We are grateful to the Ordinary of Jinja Diocese for granting us the chance to have this pastoral experience and more so to be able to meet Christ in the Christians we serve.

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