
Showing posts from October, 2016

Eucharistic Ministers

Clockwise: Some of the M.Afr. seminarians, the procession, seminarians, and the dancers from Holy Cross Lake View Secondary School. The commissioning of the Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist is an annual event for the Diocese of Jinja. It is aimed at enabling the faithful of the Diocese of Jinja draw near to Jesus through receiving the Eucharist. Those commissioned are seminarians from the various congregations in Jinja. These congregations are in charge of some of the out-stations under the Diocese of Jinja. It is also taken as a day for all Catholic students from various secondary school in Jinja. They usually come together under the Young Christians Students (YCS) Association to celebrate this day with the Bishop. This year's commissioning was presided over by Bishop Charles Martin Wamika, the Ordinary of Jinja Diocese. He commissioned about 80 seminarians from the different congregations. He urged the Extra-Ordinary ministers to follow the example of Jesus Christ. H


Volleyball is one of the other life-giving aspects in our community. It helps us come together especially during the training time and when a match is been played. It also helps us keep fit and interact more with our brothers from other communities. Volleyball being a game, it requires teamwork for a team to succeed, thus, the members are required to be one. Being one is something our founder Cardinal Lavigerie stressed. He wanted the missionaries not to only be united but one. We are forever grateful to the Formation Staff at Lavigerie Formation House Jinja for according us the opportunity to be a part of this great unifying game. We are forever indebted.

Celebrating Ugandan Independence Day

Every 9th of October, we commemorate our independence. This independence was obtained in 1962 on 9th October from the long time masters from 1884; The Britain. After much effort put in by many Ugandans, especially Dr. Milton Obote and comrades, Uganda managed to get independence; to mean it became self-sufficient. This a very important day in Uganda especially for the Ugandans, but since we are in Uganda, we are made Ugandans by our presence regardless of our countries of origin. As members of Lavigerie House we also celebrated in our own way. The day started with holy mass, and it was a Sunday with readings that reflected so much on thanksgiving, which according to me it was a challenge to Ugandans to give thanks for the day. The mass was dedicated to Uganda to continue having peace and progress more on development. Since the Uganda's Anthem itself offers Uganda to God, we concluded with the national anthem of Uganda to cement the dedication.  After the mass we we

Our Birthday Celebrations

Simon Peter during his birthday celebration  To celebrate a Birthday is ‘to be born anew’. It is the only time to acknowledge God’s providence for the prime gift to mankind, which is, LIFE. Without life, it obviously means that man is a nobody. Basing on the experience in Lavigerie House, Jinja, Birthday celebrations bring lots of memories through one is treated during his celebration. Actions like singing  birthday songs, exchanging gifts, pouring water, calling one a ‘baby’ and above all, celebrating at team levels.  When members gather and pour water on the ‘baby’ accompanied with birthday songs, it feels like one is indeed re-born. One is also identified with the baptism that he underwent. And also, the baptism that every catholic undergoes as a right of initiation to the Catholic Church. It is for this matter that we as members of Lavigerie family, Jinja, have always found great meaning in celebrating each others’ birthday. This keeps us to continue connected to one ano

Bukavu Moments

Rwanda landscape As it is a routine, in Lavigerie Formation House-Jinja (first cycle), third year students go to Congo to learn and practice French. It was my happie st moment and first time to go to French speaking country. The journey started well as we departed from Kampala-Uganda at mid-night. It was a very long voyage that I have never done, especially by road. We passed via Rwanda, where I was impressed and I confirmed the hearsays that it is the cleanest country in East Africa and if I can say even in African, I would not have been mistaken. Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, is the cleanest; surpassing the confines compared to other cities in East Africa such as Jinja. The roads in Rwanda, especially the one we used, are very smooth and tarmacked. Many passengers faced a problem of vomiting and tiredness as a result of it being oblique. I real enjoyed the land scape of Rwanda as the road passes through the forest; the time I counted to pass through that forest wa

Our New General Council

Stanley Lubungo  was born at Ndola (Zambia) on the 16 th June 1967. He took his missionary oath in Toulouse on the 7 th  December 1996 and was ordained a priest in his native town on the 2 nd  August 1997. He worked as a missionary for a few years in Democratic Republic of Congo and was appointed, after a few years of studies in Rome and Dublin, as formator in Abidjan. He had just completed new studies in dogmatic theology in Paris when he was appointed Provincial of Southern Africa on the 1 st  July 2015. One of his first tasks will be to ensure his replacement in Lusaka. Congratulations Stan! Congratulations  Didier Sawadogo . Thank you for having accepted this service to the Society. May God be with you. Didier was born on 26 th  July 1967 à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). He took the oath on the 11 th  December 1999 in London and was ordained priest on the 3 rd  December 2000 in Bobo-Dioulasso. He worked in Mali and Burkina Faso, but spent also quite some time in Rome studying.