Who was brother Amans-Delmas?

Brother Delmas was missionary brother of the Missionaries of Africa. He was a French man by nationality who was born on July 3rd 1852 at palms a small area in France.  He joined the white fathers at 24 in 1876. He was among the group of caravans sent by cardinal Lavigerie to mission in Uganda. In 1890, brother Amans served at Kashozi (kiziba) then he was appointed to Villa Maria. From the sources handed onto us, it is said that he was then designated for the foundation of the new mission with Fr. Gaudibert in October 8, 1894. On the same month, his health deteriorated and he left Uganda on his way to Europe. The following year on January i6, it is said that a telegram read that brother Amans is very ill. He died in Bangamoyo, Tanzania. He rendered untiring service in Uganda for a period of sixteen years. He was a very devoted man in his duty something which we should emulate. He was a man who was open to the culture of the people and it is said that within a short time after his arrival in Uganda he could speak fluently Luganda.  His canonization is still in the progress.  Here in Lavigerie Jinja we are lucky to have one team named after our ancestor of faith; Amans. I pray that the God of truth, the God of life and the God who shows humanity the right  path to Him that He  should direct our feet in order to emulate Amans in his good deeds and the way of life. Amen 

Muli Joseph


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