What does today’s Youth Want?

Today’s youth is a generation that feels unloved and aimless in a world where they are bombarded with sex, money, power, drugs among many other attractive things.

The youth have inherited the hopelessness, pain and the darkness that came with the immoral revolution and the “me generation”. There are many questions in the youth’s minds which can lead one to temptation and sin. Some of them are: When will I have the latest smartphone? When will I have the latest clothes and shoes? What about the latest vehicle in the market? And a house? The general question is, “what can I do to be the richest and most popular person?”

The youth have failed to understand that they are rich in qualities, energies and dreams that can totally transform the world if positively used. They should know that the church and the whole society need them and they expect great things from them as future leaders.

Let us not follow the way of evil. Don’t allow yourself to be used against your fellow citizens by selfish individuals. What we have to know is that God has a plan for us on this earth and his time is the best time. All our dreams will come true as long as we present them to our God. So let us, especially the youth, not concentrate on worldly things.

Let us meditate and reflect on this, keeping in mind that Christ is calling us to follow him. “I am the light of the world; those who follow me will have the light of life”.  (Jn: 8:12)

Let us continue to pray for the youths all over the world that where they have fallen and forgotten the greatness of God in our lives, may they be forgiven by God, so that they may start a new journey with him. Amen.

Odhiambo, Joseph Obunwa 


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