Devotions in Lavigerie House

Devotion in Roman Catholic Church is “External practices of piety” which are not part of the official liturgy of the Church, but are part of the popular spiritual practices of Catholics. Catholics devotions do not become part of liturgical worship, even if they are performed in the presence of priest.

This academic year 2014-2015, in Lavigerie house we have witnessed several groups of devotion coming up. They included devotion of the Saints especially St.  Jude, devotion of Virgin Mary, veneration of the cross and many others, these devotions were conducted at community level, groups and individuals. They took various forms like Novenas, Eucharistic Adoration, wearing scapular and veneration of the saints. Others form included going for pilgrimages to Kyebando the place of Saint Mathias Mulumba. It also includes visiting the historical sites where Missionaries of Africa entered Uganda from, and where they celebrated the first Holy Mass in Uganda, the community also visits the Shrine of Namugongo. This shrine is dedicated to all Uganda Martyrs who were killed because of their Faith.

Another group which has come in this year is Charismatic renewal, and in any devotion they participate in you really witness the renewal of the members. When speaking to the founding members they disclosed to me that in Lavigerie House there are candidates who in the past were charismatic members. Their appeal is that those members should revive themselves and be the sign to others to follow.

I have shared with some of the brothers and they have really confessed that praying of Novena have changed their mind set and have seen wonders. Some their relatives have got jobs, got better in their health and more to that some have grown spiritually and their formation journey have become smooth. More meaningful and now they can find reason to smile and continue with their formation journey.

It is my prayer that devotions in Lavigerie House will flourish and be more meaningful in the lives of every  candidate who joins our house in future.

Martin Kibira  

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