Musical intelligence ("music smart")
Music at Lavigerie House is well
integrated in the formation program. From a distance, one can enjoy the
euphonious sounds coming from the house. Music intelligence is evidenced in
enjoying singing and playing various instruments. The tonal value ranges from
the deepest level of Bass voices to the highest level of Soprano voices.
Musical instruments include guitars, keyboard, recorders, shakers and drums.
All these supplement the liturgical celebrations in the house.
Interestingly, it is very easy to teach
and learn new songs at lavigerie House. Community members are able to recognise
musical patterns and tones when an item is being introduced. It is very easy
and common to forget the melody of a song but it is not the case with
‘Lavigerians’ who have a good memory of songs and melodies. This is why we have
managed to sustain a variety of hymn books, ranging from Book A to C (a new
version of Book C is yet to be produced).
The dancing styles clearly
exhibit a rich understanding of musical structure and rhythm. In a special way,
drumming still connects us to our traditional values based on a variety of
cultural backgrounds within the house. This obviously determines the number of
languages in which the songs are sung and the dancing styles exhibited. They include
Luyha, Luo, Rukiga, Karimajong, Luganda, Kiswahili, Ateso, Chewa, Lingala,
French and English.
Gaetan with Tolbert and Crescent in Skills and Talents gathering |
In the field of skills and talents
which is a project of the house to exercise our capabilities, a section of
students are able to read music notes through the recorder class. One of the initiatives for the newcomers is to be introduced to different musical instruments. In this line, recorder lessons are facilitated weekly. Others have invested in playing the keyboard and guitar as we exchange our skills intentionally. For the
times these instruments are played together, a harmonious environment for
praising the lord is created. Most importantly, there is active community participation
not as an obligation but because each student is inclined to a particular
intelligence in music. All is possible through developing interest,
determination, listening and practice. In addition, self couching is very
important at Lavigerie House.
Remember that ‘intelligence
must be awakened, amplified, taught, and transferred to life situations.
Intelligence is not stagnant. Each intelligence can be awakened, strengthened
by practice, and "taught” in the classroom.’ (Scholarstic Article)
Crescent Niwamanya