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It is a great feeling to be with people. Many individuals prefer being in the company of friends whom they understand each other to greater extends. However, the people whom we surround ourselves with, always have a way to our day to day life. Their influence comes to us in both positive and negative bearings, but because it is happiness that matters, I find more heft in the positives rather than the negatives. I cannot imagine being in a society where persons exist in individualistic communities among themselves; people who consider their own affairs vivacious to the others. It was not until when I come to experience the joy of being together, the warmth that comes with friendship, brotherhood that I show the meaning of togetherness. Belonging to each other is a possible experience but hard to find most often outside our homes. Survival in a community with a completely different setup from ones family is a challenge to many. A challenge which is possible to overcome if only one w


The world today is experiencing a remarkable technological advancement. Due to technology, peoples’ life styles have greatly improved. Aspects such as industrialization, transport and communication have been simplified. However, it is important to acknowledge the negative effects of technology such as excessive noise. I will focus my attention on the counter part of noise, silence. In fact, silence is the absence of noise. Many of us associate quietness to events such as death and sorrow. Personally, I consider it as a precious gift from God because it is not only important for the religious, but for all humanity. Silence is essential in listening to one’s self, paying attention to others and above all listening to God. Silence helps us to look deep into our selves. When one looks at calm water, it acts as a mirror. Like calm water, silence is a procedure to introspection. In Lavigerie community, we have retreats, monthly recollections as well as daily meditations. These aspects a


A community is a group of members who share common resources with the same vision or goal. The perfect community is that of the trinity and a natural community is one to which everybody belongs. Community living started long ago from the creation where God was with the word and the spirit. It is also in the letter to the Hebrews to stay as community (10:25) which also applies to the Acts of the Apostles (4:32). Here at Lavigerie house community life covers three aspects that include: pastoral work, academic life, and prayer life. Lavigerie house is a community with various nationalities and cultures united by Caritas and understanding of each other’s personality. Our greatest concern is to remain in God’s love which flows from the spirit. I will try to share my experience at Lavigerie. Prayer life is very fundamental as the common say: “A missionary who does not pray is a dead one”. It bridges our relationship with God. This is in two parts: community prayer and personal prayer. C


Choice. How exactly can this term be defined? In the Oxford student’s dictionary, “a choice is an act of choosing between two or more people or things”. Jean Paul Sartre, A French philosopher, speaks about the freedom of Choice. According to Sartre, human beings are free to choose. We are not determined, which implies that we are what we make of ourselves or what we choose to be. However Sartre was an atheist, his philosophy can apply to many, if not to all human beings. It is good to keep in mind that the presence of choice is parallel to commitment. When one makes a choice, he/she should be committed to it. Whatever one chooses, it is good. But let it be clear on the other hand. By saying individual’s choices are good; one should also consider the other person. This is very evident to us. By the fact that we are striving each day it shows that we make choices including the choice to planning the future. We can all agree that being in Lavigerie house it is a choice. Choosin


Being guided by the Apostolic zeal and the call for service, as trainees to lifetime service to the people of God, we went forth to commit ourselves to right time inauguration. As they say ‘practice makes perfect,’ I feel it is necessary to add some things to the phrase: ‘a well done practice, makes perfect.’ Why does it need some flesh added to it? If we critically would like to serve the people of God as Missionaries of Africa, we need to put more effort and be more effective in the preparation for the ministry. With the drive to serve the nation of God in different areas around Jinja, we hastened to be commissioned and be well equipped to commence. “We, (NAME) and (NAME) O Lord, would like to bring your love, compassion and to make known the glorious splendor  of your name to the people of (PASTORAL APPOINTMENT).”These were the words of commitment to Christ whom we believe He called us to serve Him as M.Afr. It is our prayer we may achieve our goal of reaching out to


Have you ever sat down and think of the Mercy of God? It is the very question to ask oneself every now and then. In the monthly recollections as the Lavigerie family, we were blessed to be with Sr. Mourine, facilitator, who prompted us to reflect on the involvement of God in our lives. He always intervenes in order to bring us back on track whenever we go astray. This is the mercy of God. Being the Supreme perfect being, the Substance, He is caring and always wants His attributes, we the human beings, to be close to Him. However much we sin, He does not delight on being angry as the Prophet Micah 7:18 puts it, "but rather shows mercy." He neither counts the number of times we go against Him nor the number of times He manifest His mercy to us.   This is a challenge to the whole humanity, to be merciful in all aspects as He is to us. The act of being merciful and that of forgiveness are inseparable. As the Lord's Prayer ascribe, "and forgiv


Prison refers to the building in which people are held while serving sentence for crimes they have committed or while waiting for trial. This way of punishing originated from Greece Athens and it was known as a place for detention. Later the Romans adopted it as a form of punishment. This is the way people who have offended society were punished in those countries. In Africa such a person would face the elders and the society itself and answer the charges verbally and physically in front of everyone. In the northern Uganda we had the ‘Matoput’ which was meant for the criminal but administered by the elders of the society and the victims. In this way justice would be done. This kind of prison has been brought by the colonialists. The question now is, is prison helpful or not? Because it involves separation of the criminal instead of handling them communally. I do pastoral work in Kirinya prison where most of the inmates are waiting for trial. They have spent a lot of time there. Th


What is a retreat or a recollection? “Retreat or recollection is a vacation with the Lord.” The facilitator said. It is during this time we relax with the Lord, we are able to sit back and reflect. Just like being in front of a mirror, not to close to obstruct the full portray of oneself, the vivid look deserve to be worked upon. Believing that each and every person is a rational being, one is capable of progressively grow and mature. Humbleness is one of the aspects he highlighted and stressed on. Following example of our saviour, we are called upon to be humble. In the book of Phil 2:6, The Christ gave us a perfect example to follow. Being silent is another important aspect during the time of vacation with the Lord. Jesus, though received severe torture, he kept the silence. On the Cross, he was silent and opened up to say good words and of encouragement, that is, He forgave the whole crowd, then to the repentant thief the same. And lastly He said “Father, into you


For a long t ime religions have been perceived to be consultants on matters pertaining peace in our States. However, with this era the cup seems to have turned upside down pouring honey which was source of sweetness. This aspect is losing its meaning from day to day with religions remaining to be more of political arena chasing after their opponents. It goes beyond my expectations to think of conflict among those who are expected to be elements and preacher of peace. The big question for reflection remains, what will happen when the predator becomes the prey of the prey? This is a call for both religious leaders and the followers to read the signs of time and make a step towards transformation. This leads me to question our motivations of following Christ as Christians in the first place. St. Paul in his first letter to Corinthians is categorical about the slogans that “I am for Paul, I am for Apollos, I am for Cephas, or I am for Christ” (1Corinthia