
Showing posts from March, 2016


This day, the Holy Thursday marks the beginning of the Easter tridium.   This liturgy  takes three days, it ends on Paschal Vigil.  This Mass where we commemorate the Lord’s Supper is marked by the sign of service and humility of Jesus washing the feet to his disciples. "So during supper, fully aware that the Father had put everything into his power and that he was coming from God and was returning to God, he rose from supper and took off his outer garments. He took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash their feet and drying them with a towel around his waist." (John 13:2-6, African Bible) "If therefore a master can wash the feet of his servants then you ought to wash one another’s feet" Jesus said.  The washing of the feet during our Liturgy Here is Br. Venancio telling us to go around with a basin of water and a towel to wash one another’s feet. I know you are wondering how possible that can be, if on


What I thought was a small thing or task turned to be more than I had imagined. To deal and be with the children of Home of Hope where 95% of the children are dump.   These were abandoned by their parents because of the way they are, health conditions and appearance. The hardship they faced has made them feel lonely, not love and useless. But Jesus calls me and you to welcome and embrace them like the merciful father. It’s not an easy work but only with passion, love and a spirit of deep listening and interpret the sign language to create or leave a smile on the face of those children of GOD. Below right Justus Namanya serving at the Home of Hope This has changed my spiritual journey as my second experience it seemed to be tiresome, I felt lonely, lacked a way of communication but above all my inner most being was yearning to be in the circle of love. I was touched by the conditions and I remember to say “God thanks for these children of yours are alive,” was the prayer. The


I write with the above title about the betrayed king because this I am writing about was betrayed in a short period of time. As he was entering Jerusalem, there was a lot of jubilation and most people thought the kingdom was being restored. We are told that as he was entering Jerusalem there was a lot joy in the people that followed him. He was on a young donkey as people were laying down even their clothes for the king not to step on the ground. Here at Lavigerie house, we celebrated Palm Sunday on 20 th of March, 2016 a Saturday evening. We started with the procession from the basketball court where the blessing of palms by Fr. Yago took place. Mapeera team was in charge of liturgy, so they led the mass.   It was a Palm Sunday, so we reflected on the heroic entry of Jesus to Jerusalem where he is later betrayed. For that reason I titled my article, the betrayed king . Because Jesus entered Jerusalem as a king and few days after the sane people that welcomed him were saying

Palm Sunday Celebration at Butiki (Jinja)

From Left to right: Seminarians John Agaba, Michael Longoli and Collines Kananura with Fr. Yago During the procession We were privileged to celebrate the Palm Sunday with the Christians of Butiki outstation this Sunday. The celebration started in a procession with a large audience including children who accompanied Jesus on his way to Jerusalem.  They sang and praised God with Hosanna, waving palms, dancing and jubilating.  On this occasion, the seminarians accompanied Fr. Yago who was the principle celebrant.  During the homily at Butiki  He gave such a powerful sermon that remains remarkable in the hearts of many believers. In his homily, he preached about humility from the example of Jesus himself who left his disciples a lesson by bending low to wash their feet. With this, many husbands were inspired to show the same humility to their wives by kneeling before them as a sign of greeting, an act contrary to the Basoga culture. The entire Chapel exploded in laugh