Let us start logically at the beginning: "For freedom, Christ set us free," (Gal 5: 1). It is not a question of obeying without reflecting. The era, when superiors demanded blind obedience, is happily finished. We are human beings; God creates us free and wants us to remain free. Nobody forced you to join the formation programme of the Missionaries of Africa and nobody can force you to remain in it against your will. You are (or are becoming) free persons. What are we supposed to do with this God-given freedom? Jesus is always our point of reference. Saint Luke shows him as an obedient child, submissive to his parents and later as a man who respected the customs like the prayer of the Sabbath. When he healed a group of lepers (Lk. 17:14), he told them to follow the prescriptions of the Law. However, on the other hand, he was free in front of the authorities and did not hesitate to break with tradition when he had good reason to do it. What was his secret? Why was he o...