
Showing posts from February, 2016


Let us start logically at the beginning: "For freedom, Christ set us free," (Gal 5: 1). It is not a question of obeying without reflecting. The era, when superiors demanded blind obedience, is happily finished. We are human beings; God creates us free and wants us to remain free. Nobody forced you to join the formation programme of the Missionaries of Africa and nobody can force you to remain in it against your will. You are (or are becoming) free persons.  What are we supposed to do with this God-given freedom? Jesus is always our point of reference. Saint Luke shows him as an obedient child, submissive to his parents and later as a man who respected the customs like the prayer of the Sabbath. When he healed a group of lepers (Lk. 17:14), he told them to follow the prescriptions of the Law. However, on the other hand, he was free in front of the authorities and did not hesitate to break with tradition when he had good reason to do it. What was his secret? Why was he o

PCJ Cultural Day 2016

Tribe: Bakiga Language: Rukiga                 Place: Kabale district, Uganda. We wish to introduce to you the kikiga dance- the dance of the bakiga tribe from the south western part of Uganda. It is such a dance that involves the use of vigorous strength. The strength is believed to be generated from the foods (Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, obuhemba and beans) and drinks (obushera, omuramba and tonto) produced in kabale district where majority bakiga live. The dance we are about to watch in this video is about the theme- kunira abagyenyi abareire- be hospitable to the visitors who have spent a night with you. It can be adopted by other groups like the missionaries of Africa at Lavigerie house have been able to learn it and practice it. Different tribes from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda participated in this dance. We wish you the best as you watch and listen to kunira abagyenyi abareire. Enjoy the kikiga dance.  Ariho henry moses 2016.


Apostolic living denotes witness to the mission handed over to the church through the apostles. We are heirs of the teaching tradition of the church; otherwise we would have been heirs of something not known if nothing is handed by Christ to the apostles who finally handed to us. And in vain shall we proclaim, praise and serve the word of God and our Lord Jesus Christ who laid the foundation for many and many brothers and sisters. They preached, we are now preaching and we shall preach his words of eternal life. What we preach is what we learnt and lived by our lives. Aware of the globalization era, apostolate has become a two way path in which; first, we are too taught by the world on how to live the good news and secondly how we are to witness effectively the gospel in the global village. Most often I see three things as the manifold of apostolate at the heart of formation; Being a philosopher at the heart of apostolate By being so does mean being a humble and inquisitive

La visite du pape François en Afrique, retour sur certains de ses messages.

Elu en 2013, et après quelques visites dans certains  continents, le pape François est venu en Afrique pour sa première fois. Trois Pays Africains ont eu cette chance de l’accueillir au nom de toute l 'Afrique, respectivement le Kenya, l’Ouganda, et la République Centre-Africaine. Comme fils d’Afrique et toujours fier de l’être, j’ai eu la chance d’être présent dans l’un des trois Pays a son arrivée. Ce Pays dans lequel le Successeur de Pierre m’a trouvé est bien la terre des premiers Martyrs Chrétiens d’Afrique, donc l’Ouganda. J’ai personnellement trouvé cette visite très importante me basant sur les messages que le pape  a adressés à ces trois Pays et à toute l’Afrique. C’est ainsi que j’ai voulu partagé une réflexion personnelle sur cette visite. Je partage cette réflexion avec vous dans le but de vous inviter, où que vous soyez, à considérer les messages du pape afin d’agir en faveur et pour le bien du peuple africain jusque-là confronté à des multiples problèmes. Nous