
Showing posts from September, 2015

My family, my identity: To which family do I belong?

This is the theme that we have Chosen as Mapeera team members, in correspondence to this week’s readings, especially to this Sunday’s readings. It is simply suggested as an object of our reflection for this week. It is meant to help us refresh our memories and bring our families to our consciousness. Families here, I mean, our families back at home (for this purpose let’s call them individual families), our family here; Lavigerie House, and definitely Our PCJ family. Lord, May your Joy and Peace reign in our families, now and always, Amen. Just to come into grips with what we would mean by family is that: it is a basic societal unit; it is a school of life, where each one of us finds a sense of identity and a sense of belonging. It is precisely where we find our nourishment. It assumes primacy of influence in each one of us. To say that one belongs to family is to implicitly assert that he/she is a relational being; we are profoundly persons in a relationship

This Week Liturgical Theme: Doing Things Well


Brother Tobie Kizza

Evaristo, Collins and Yago at Tobie Kizza burial's site (Ibanda Parish)                              As a saying goes that ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ, it indeed spoke to me. It was after I had taken a step to read about Bro. Tobie Kizza, who also happened to be the first Muganda brother of the society of the Missionaries of Africa not only that but also the Patron of Tobie Kizza Team here in our community Lavigerie. Being born from the pagan background in 1872 in Burigi, this did not hinder him from achieving and discerning his call to discipleship. The man, who ate, worked, loved and lived with the famous martyrs (our fathers in faith) in the year 1886. Inspired by their lives, and their willingness to die for Christ, this gave Tobie more zeal and increased his commitment to Christ (rooted in Christ, we venture with hope). Despite the hard ships under the rule of the king, Tobie did not give up a thing the proved his high spirit of perseverance which