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St Paul exhortation to the Christians of Ephesus   What call have we received? What is our call as candidates of Missionaries of Africa or as missionaries of Africa? A call to be sent to the mission of God, a call to communal life which includes prayer, charity, unity. Fraternity and apostolate. A call to be sent:  The mission of the seventy-two (72) disciples, Luke 10:1-12 Appointed and sent ; as who? Representatives of Christ: Representing Christ and promoting Christ’s message. They went to places where Jesus Christ himself was supposed to go.  The need is there: You are all needed in the mission of God “the harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; ask (pray) the master of the harvest (God) to send out laborers for his harvest” . It is God who calls us to his mission. The difficulties of the mission : “I am sending you out like lambs among wolves” they don’t know where they are going, they don’t know who they are going to face, situations, life conditions, weather. They
CLINICAL PASTORAL CARE (ministry). I hereby share with you my “Thomist Copernican Revolution.”. I must say that the shift I (Thomas) made from clinical medical practice to apostolic pastoral ministry was a real Copernican revolution. In short, it was a shift from a Uganda Clinical Guideline- U.C.G (‘a ‘bible’ for all clinicians in practice for any case management references’) to a Breviary (a book with daily prayers for the religious). I must acknowledge that such a decision was and is not anyhow easy to make. In October 2017, I crowned my clinical services as a Medical Clinical Officer for Formation. A journey- long and very rough- as a certain singer mentions; focusing at the Altar of God; to serve Christ- our Lord and Savior, hence eternity as our telos - the final end. This was the toughest decision I have ever made in my life. The termination of a job contracts with a renowned and recognized institution; Kyamulibwa Health Center IV (HCIV)- the only HCIV in the diocese of M