As social beings, the socialization nature in us is inevitable. Nevertheless, for effective socialization and the exercise of our beingness, there must be TRUST. This attribute is also a basic component of all relations. This trust can be in three ways: trust to Deity, trust to oneself and the trust to others. Trust to Deity, faith, is the force which is keeping many religions going (the name of this Supreme Being varies with religions). Writing about the Transcendent and Immanent God, from the Christianity point of view of God, we see His consequences in each one’s life. Taking the immanence view of God, whereby, He is down to earth, involved and concerned with our daily activities, He gives us life every day. I do not know if one has ever reflected on such great miracle that happens to some of the people. To be sincere, many do not. I can also certify that sometimes I also do not recognise that. However, it is a pity that people’s faith is based on miracles mainly in our c...