
Showing posts from March, 2018


Have you ever sat down and think of how the world is? Have you ever thought how it would have been? If one very important gender was not in existence? I am sure you know who I mean! The compassion of most of them; if not all have, is unimaginable Loving and soft-hearted they are, Full of tenderness and kindness, Oh! What a great creation. She is intellectually challenging, Ambitious in life, Consistent in all her decisions, And willing to put all her effort for you and me. A magical woman, Brave in all the situations with a visionary mind, Saviour in all times of need, She always lives the deed. Elegant and full of composure, Courageous and confident she is, Humbleness and confidence, All is in her. KELVIN MWAMBURI


Life is full of choices which everyone makes now and then as time goes on; and these choices need to be scrutinized. Among all the available choices in the world, one needs to choose the best (a morally-based choice). We may ask ourselves, how do we determine good choices from bad ones? J-P Sartre, a French Existentialist, reminds us to be mindful of our choices since by making a choice, we choose for others too. This calls for discernment. This attribute is necessary and inevitable. In everyday activities, discernment is required in order to move on; both in Spiritual and worldly aspects. In the book of Samuel, we get to see the young man, Samuel, in a position to answer God’s call. The young Samuel, under the guidance of Eli, hears God’s voice and listened to it. The choice of listening helped Samuel to receive the message God intended to reach him and other people, as well as you and me today. Listening is quite different from hearing. Literally, hearing can be said to be


How to make this time a time of true conversion, without any concessions to the Prince of Darkness Every day, we face a spiritual battle. The Word of God tells us that our life on earth is a constant combat against the Evil One, and it reminds us who have chosen to follow Christ to be always on guard for the battering of the devil. 1. Live an ordered life First off, give importance to prayer, which is the foundation of your spiritual life. Take time to read the Bible. We particularly suggest a meditative reading of Matthew 25:35-40. As well, be firmly rooted in your vocation, whether it be married, priestly or consecrated life. Whatever your vocation, be faithful in all things to the call God made to you. Finally, dedicate some time to the Church. Of course not everyone is called to full-time ministry, but all of us can collaborate in one way or another, according to our possibilities. 2. Categorically reject temptation A major problem in the spiritual life is a slow or