
Showing posts from February, 2018


The modern society is characterized by the abnormal suffering, absolute poverty, unimaginable cost of living and higher levels of manipulation. The intentional or unintentional application of psychology to intoxicate the minds of the poor and the search for quick metaphysical interventions has in vain tried to enable achievement of their daily needs and desires. The foot-on-door techniques to struggle for what cannot be found, has been like a life-trial to produce juice out of the stone, which will cost us much if we do not open our extrinsic and intrinsic eyes. The poor are the most vulnerable to this threat. People have made abnormal profits in the miracle business, having conquered a certain sample groups. These can be composed of the poor, the jobless and co-partners in the business. The tendency to recourse to miracles and denouncing work in the mask of “God will provide”, will not help us. Many have been exploited, abused sexually, confused to their overwhelming e


We need more men who are capable of moral leadership and seminary can provide the formation needed to do that -- even if they don't become priests. Who should enter seminary? Only those who are 100% certain that they will become a priest? Or should all men “test the waters” and spend a year or two at their local seminary? When discerning young men consider entering seminary, they are often asked by friends and relatives, “Are you 100% certain that you are called to become a priest?” Many young men struggle with this question for years and will never enter seminary because they are not absolutely certain that God is calling them to this vocation. This is unfortunate, as seminary shouldn’t be viewed as a “priest-making facility,” where young men enter without any doubts or fears and magically become a priest at the end of it all. It is true that men must enter seminary to become a priest, but the human, intellectual and spiritual formation that a man receives at seminary


“This article has incorporated some ideas from the books:  Pedagogy of the Oppressed  by Paulo Freiro, and  Existentialism is Humanism  by Jean Paul Sartre. These are the books that have inspired me to write this article.” A society that does not recreate itself is more dead than alive. This is the case with the Congo. From 1960, the year in which Congo got her independence, there has been a number of unreasonable wars that has left the country in total depression and despair.  When Lumumba, the Congolese freedom fighter and great hero in the history, officially announced the independence of his nation there emerged a lot of forced violence. The so called ‘ les martyrs de  l’independance ’  were killed due to the violence that took place at the period, that is from the 1959 to the 1960s. They stood courageously and violently to demand for their right. I think this was not the right way to do so, but that was for them the possible mean to go with as Franz Fanon would buttress.


Iteso is the name of the people speaking Ateso language. The man originating from the Teso land is known as ‘Etesot’ and a woman on the other hand she is known as ‘Atesot’. Background They are believed to have come from Alexandra in Egypt. They are the descendants of the Biblical Joseph, a Hebrew, who is said to have married a black Egyptian woman. She gave birth to Ateker speaking people who include: Jie, Turkana, Maasai, Karimojong and Iteso. When the Israelites left for the promised land, the black Egyptian woman left with her children towards South West where they claim to have had their promised land as promised by Abraham to Jacob his grandson; the land surrounded by the rivers. When this group reached Ethiopian highlands, they claimed it and looked at the South West, where they saw their promised land and they said ‘Ite so’ meaning, ‘we have seen’ which gave rise to the name ‘Iteso’. Areas Occupied Basing on the 1980 statistics, the tribe is the second largest i