
Showing posts from 2018


We are always invited to cherish the life we are granted each and every day. Many believe that we are all aiming at a happy and fulfilled life. Nevertheless, it is not always smooth, as it is comprised of different times of life. Different moods and feelings act as catalyst in the relations and the whole life at large. The catalyzed effects facilitate the discovery of different potentials that each and every person has. Have these potentials facilitated growth in any way? Have the positive effects changed anything in one’s life? Do they bring and support constant joy which results to happiness? In Lavigerie house-Jinja, we, as a family, strive to be in a position to move together towards this heavenly state. Putting into consideration different activities like sports in Lavigerie House-Jinja, which has really brought joy to us. For the record, we have the history of emerging victors in many sports activities, if not all. This is not something to show-off but it is a symbol of many


As human beings, we are relational beings. Some attitudes are very important in a relationship. Here I will mention only one of the many them: Trust. We are living in a formation community in which we have students who are preparing themselves to become Missionaries of Africa and the formators who are trying their best to prepare these students. In this big community, we are relational at different levels; relation of: students among themselves; formators among themselves, then relationship between the students and the formators and vice-versa. Is there trust at these different levels of relationship? I am not sure that I will answer this question. Nevertheless, I might answer other questions, which are not asked, and through them, it is possible that the reader will find his answer to the question. Trust as a desire Though I did not answer the previous question, what I am sure is that my deepest desire is that trust may reign among us at all levels. How I wish everyb


Considering the universality of many aspects of human life, there are aspects which are necessary and in totality. These aspects have a wide horizon and spectrum which determine human fair-life. Every human being is in his/her potentiality; but how many do they come close to the actuality in a fulfilled manner? Knowing oneself, to live holiness, to be oneself, accepting the others, listening and silence, and forgiveness are really the basis of having a peaceful and a just global community both to the rational beings and the other beings in the universe. Many scholars, especially psychologists, have tried to elucidate in depth about a human life. The psyche being the centrality of a human, it needs to be worked upon. Comprising cognition, E-motions and feelings, it really bears a high percentage of the whole human being’s life. Nevertheless, awareness is very necessary in order to maintain all this complexity of this rational being. One has to recognize him/herself first in dep


As social beings, the socialization nature in us is inevitable. Nevertheless, for effective socialization and the exercise of our beingness, there must be TRUST. This attribute is also a basic component of all relations. This trust can be in three ways: trust to Deity, trust to oneself and the trust to others. Trust to Deity, faith, is the force which is keeping many religions going (the name of this Supreme Being varies with religions). Writing about the Transcendent and Immanent God, from the Christianity point of view of God, we see His consequences in each one’s life. Taking the immanence view of God, whereby, He is down to earth, involved and concerned with our daily activities, He gives us life every day. I do not know if one has ever reflected on such great miracle that happens to some of the people. To be sincere, many do not. I can also certify that sometimes I also do not recognise that. However, it is a pity that people’s faith is based on miracles mainly in our c


Just another day; unending day, I dare to welcome everyone, hey, In the name of Agnus Dei. Here are the men willing day by day to salvage, Not only in Apostolate, But also in all their ways. This place is where calls are nourished, Whether for priests or for brothers, And in this my case not to first years only but to all years, Towards there in ten years You know what! Life is never straight in here, am sorry, There are multiple bended-back stories. The herculean task depends on our decisions and policies, Which drums the loudest when we touch that Glory, Believe me because this is not irony! The thing is, Our stories make us touch the skies, Even if they might be ambiguous or obvious Of any descriptions of us. All of us try to improve those previous scenes, So that we are not slaves of various histories, Surely, even Peter Drury knows, But what is history, what is reality? Answer me! Didasio and Venancio have information, To the