It is a great feeling to be with people. Many individuals prefer being in the company of friends whom they understand each other to greater extends. However, the people whom we surround ourselves with, always have a way to our day to day life. Their influence comes to us in both positive and negative bearings, but because it is happiness that matters, I find more heft in the positives rather than the negatives. I cannot imagine being in a society where persons exist in individualistic communities among themselves; people who consider their own affairs vivacious to the others. It was not until when I come to experience the joy of being together, the warmth that comes with friendship, brotherhood that I show the meaning of togetherness. Belonging to each other is a possible experience but hard to find most often outside our homes. Survival in a community with a completely different setup from ones family is a challenge to many. A challenge which is possible to overcome if only one w...