
Showing posts from August, 2017


What is a retreat or a recollection? “Retreat or recollection is a vacation with the Lord.” The facilitator said. It is during this time we relax with the Lord, we are able to sit back and reflect. Just like being in front of a mirror, not to close to obstruct the full portray of oneself, the vivid look deserve to be worked upon. Believing that each and every person is a rational being, one is capable of progressively grow and mature. Humbleness is one of the aspects he highlighted and stressed on. Following example of our saviour, we are called upon to be humble. In the book of Phil 2:6, The Christ gave us a perfect example to follow. Being silent is another important aspect during the time of vacation with the Lord. Jesus, though received severe torture, he kept the silence. On the Cross, he was silent and opened up to say good words and of encouragement, that is, He forgave the whole crowd, then to the repentant thief the same. And lastly He said “Father, into you


For a long t ime religions have been perceived to be consultants on matters pertaining peace in our States. However, with this era the cup seems to have turned upside down pouring honey which was source of sweetness. This aspect is losing its meaning from day to day with religions remaining to be more of political arena chasing after their opponents. It goes beyond my expectations to think of conflict among those who are expected to be elements and preacher of peace. The big question for reflection remains, what will happen when the predator becomes the prey of the prey? This is a call for both religious leaders and the followers to read the signs of time and make a step towards transformation. This leads me to question our motivations of following Christ as Christians in the first place. St. Paul in his first letter to Corinthians is categorical about the slogans that “I am for Paul, I am for Apollos, I am for Cephas, or I am for Christ” (1Corinthia


“Good leadership is fundamentally about one’s qualities and attitudes. In other words, it is not so much about your position as a manager, administrator or subordinate within the institution. Good leadership is having a clear vision. A leader is always going somewhere, never satisfied with simply maintaining the status Quo. Their task is to engage the future of their department or institution creatively. It is commonly said that people fall into two main categories: those who mould the future and those who are moulded by it. As a leader you have to belong to the first category. Leaders also have to have a vision for those they lead, inspiring and challenging them, in order to get the best out of them. Good leadership involves possessing the willingness to delegate. As a leader, you are a team leader. You need to change your focus from doing a job well, to equipping others to do it-perhaps even better than yourself! All leaders handle power, and none are exempt from the tem