
Showing posts from November, 2016

I am a Gift from God to God

Sister with Isaac and Nicholas October recollection was about recognition of our being as a gift that comes from with it is purposeful end being in God.  Sr. led us to first answer the question, who am I? As Paul puts it “we are his hand-work, created in Christ Jesus for the good work that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.”(Ephesians 2:10). God created us to be a gift to one another, that despite ourselves being gifts He also endowed us with other gifts within us to share them out. These are different from one another “and he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers.”  Quoting one of the writers that, “a personhood is not accomplishment, is a gift.” Sr. continued that my presence to one another is the greatest gift ever to others. This gift means what one gives expecting no return, and this mostly is a gift of self. Smile in my face communicates love to the other person and yet it does not cost mat

PCJ Social Evening

The PCJ Social evening is a time when all the candidates from the different congregations gather to have a family-time. The event is graced by presentations from the different religious congregations accompanied with dancing, eating, drinking and socializing.

Technology, A Window of Opportunities or Liabilities?

T he globe now has become a village; communication can be done in every angle. Everybody is moving towards ‘digitalisation’ that is the common term used to those who have access to digital phone and if you’re lucky you get an i-pad. Market has been made stress-free everywhere and in everything you need is just a matter of ‘googling’ and everything is just right in front of you. Transport reservation has its share also in technology through advertisement of the services the company offers. Therefore, from your house, you could secure for yourself a ticket online and there is not much movement from the house to the station. The Word of God has also been transferred to many generations through technology and many have seen the great work of the Lord. The big question is, is technology a liability or a resource? This question may seem to be tranquil but is of very big importance. Look at the children who are exposed to many things at a younger age making them unable to

Our Support Staff

From Left to Right: Judie, Nalongo, Maggie, Ssenga, Sam, Matthias and Mike We are grateful to our support staff for the love, care and services rendered to us. This ranges from preparing our meals, to keeping the compound clean, helping with the animal farm, and repairing and helping in the shopping of stuffs. They add to the joy in Lavigerie House and without them, not everything would be moving on well. We thank the Lord for the gift of this part of the Lavigerie family. May God continue blessing the hand of your works.