At Lavigerie House, Jinja, we live with young people whose project is to consecrate their lives to God through the service of the Kingdom toward the African world, which now is bigger than Africa. As formators, by living with students, we step by step learn to know them better. We interact with them and we share so many things together: prayers, meals, meetings, outings, etc. This “knowing them” them seemed to me incomplete as long as we didn’t know the “sitz-in-leben” in which they were born and grew-up. That’s why this year, for Christmas holiday I thought of visiting some of the families of our candidates. What could seem funny to some is that I chose to visit the families in the absence of the seminarians themselves. But I think it’s good also to meet their families in that way. December 13 th , 2015: In Ibanda parish, Mbarara archdiocese, visit in the family of Collines Kananura where they had, the previous day, the “introduction” of his elder sister who go...