
Showing posts from November, 2015


Every year on 26th November, the community of Lavigerie house as others do, celebrates Lavigerie day. Lavigerie is the founder of the Missionaries of Africa. So every year his death is celebrated on that day. On November 26th 2015 the day began with preparations. Cleaning, arranging and decorating were done in the afternoon. The preparations marked the beginning of the celebrations. Food as one of the most important things on the party was also in preparation by the people concerned. All the first part went on well as with eager waited for the celebration. The Eucharistic celebration The celebratio n of mass presided over by Fr. Otto Kato the vocation animator of Uganda followed. Many people from different communities attended in person to make the day colourful. Among  them were the two FROMA members and the mother of Fr. Aloysius B eebwa . The lively mass animated by the students went on well. It inspired many people. Then we proceeded to the refectory for the celeb


As we had our monthly re-correction at Lavigerie House, the facilitator Fr Okwi George M.Afr talked about the gifts life gives us. Life is the period between birth and death according to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English. And in this context, life is the period given to us to live on the earth which we call the pilgrim life as Catholics and gifts are chances given to us by life. The gifts according to the re-correction are as follows;   The gift of family. We all have families where we belong and have responsibilities either as family heads or as members. The fact that we have seen some good and new things which may help our family members who do not know them; we should be the cement of happiness. We can provide what we can especially by mentoring and praying for them. We can start by living a worthy and happy life then they can see and learn from us. We should also thank God for the gift of our families. The gift of friends. As human beings, we all have

The Dead are not Separated from Us

St. Augustine uttered that; ‘From the moment a man begins to exist in a body which is destined to die, he is involved all the time in a process whose end is death.” This mystery of death confronts us with such questions on integrity of eternal life. Thus, no other thing does man have less than reflection of death; man’s wisdom remains not in the meditation of death but life.Battista Mondin disparages this as distinctive of our so-called advanced society. One day at home, I started a debate on death and you cannot visualize the magnitude with which my parent shut me down, calling me ‘sick’. This is how we detest death; we all feel inexorable, dreadful and fearful at its thought.   Yet whether we deliberate on it or not, it awaits us in store. It is something not inessential to us. If you have not beheld the sight of someone who dies, then I invite you to the grasp that life is a course of becoming that gently yields to death. This separation of our loved is excruciating and

Sharing in the Life of the Spirit
